Uncontrolled anger can make us look antagonistic

Uncontrolled anger makes us lose the opportunity to win people’s trust.
Many people are unaware of their uncontrolled anger.
Many have fires burning in their bosoms, yet pretend to be loving and caring.
People condemn Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, and persons or groups who slit people’s throats and decapitate people, and yet they turn around to do evil to fellow humans.
We condemn suicide bombers in the Arab countries, in Europe, etc., yet we lynch people without evidence that they deserve to die by such inhuman acts.
Some Christians, despite the teachings of Jesus, use the wrong frontal method of attacking angry and violent people. It is unwise to attack angry and violent people; especially when they are defending their beliefs. You make them angrier.
Uncontrolled anger can produce angry responses from listeners. And angry responses can interfere with listeners’ minds. They may feel your responses are attacks and would want to defend themselves. The listener may feel intimidated and belittled.
Uncontrolled anger can misrepresent the truth about our opinions
We must, therefore, learn to control our anger.
Angry moods convey antagonistic impressions — they attack the persons we want to win over.
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