Changing angry and violent habits

Changing angry and violent habits can be difficult.
Some people know they have angry and violent habits and want to change. However, they feel handicapped and think they cannot change.
Changing angry and violent habits is possible!
You were not born with angry and violent habits. You unconsciously trained your mind to respond angrily to what you did not like. And eventually, you ended up patterning your mind with violent thoughts and reactions. And as you grew up, you learned to live as a violent and angry person who gets angry easily.
Repeating angry and violent actions eventually make them happen automatically or almost automatically. Some of our behaviors act as instincts and others as habits. That is how you became a violent and angry person.
Our genetic materials in our chromosomes, too, contribute to habit formation. However, our interactions with the environment can also influence our habit formations. That is why in a family noted to be peaceful and non-aggressive, a member may turn out to be angry and violent.
The trait in that odd fellow might be from interactions with the environment. That odd person might have adapted to what seemed to be normal characteristics or traits of the society or environment.
For instance, some religious or ethnic groups exhibit extreme anger and violence, which can affect the behavior of someone growing up in that community or society. His or her character could mold to accept the anger and violence in that environment. That person would grow up living the angry and violent life and seeing that as normal behavior.
(Please take time to read the post, “How to respond to anger without getting angry.”)
Do you want to change your angry and violent habits?
You must first have a strong desire to change your angry and violent habits. And you can make the change by replacing your angry and violent habits with peaceful and non-violent attitude.
In the same way, you nurtured anger and violence to become habits, through repetition, you can replace your old habits with new ones.
Commitment is necessary. Your angry and violent habits took years to form, and so you will need time to erase them by replacing them with the good or positive ones you are forming.
Believe in yourself and you will succeed.
Good luck. May God help you.