Making one into millions is possible with the right mindset. You can multiply the little you have into millions. You can make it if you have the determination, and if you are patient, persevering, and assiduous.
We have direct access to God through Jesus Christ. (Please, stay with us and continue reading to learn the miracle of turning one into millions). We do not need any other rituals to perform to get access to God. God pours His spirit upon us (Joel 2:28-29) so that we can live in the spirit (Galatians 5:25). The Spirit then transforms our spirits and makes us spiritual and mighty. Words that come out of us are energized (or enabled) by the Holy Spirit, (Acts 2:4). And signs and wonders are actualized.
I use milk and water for illustration. Both are liquids. But milk is whitish (or creamy) while water is colorless and transparent. If the milk is poured into the water, the water changes color. The water does not change itself. The milk transforms the water to be like the milk in color and in taste. The more you pour the milk into the water, the more whitish or creamy the water becomes. Eventually, the water loses its color and taste and now looks and tastes milky.
In the same manner, the Spirit of God is poured into the human spirit to transform the human spirit. And just like the water becoming milky, so also as many as are led by the Spirit of God they become spiritual children of God. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God (Romans 8:14-16). Our spirit and God’s Spirit become one in union (1 Corinthians 6:17) as God pours his Spirit into our spirit (see the illustration with the water and milk). God’s power to perform miracles then indwells us.
Our union with God gives us direct access to God. So, 1 Corinthians 6:17 says, “He that is joined (kollao – to join oneself to, to glue together) unto the Lord is one spirit with Him.”
This is not so in other religions. In the New Testament, in Christ Jesus, we have a better covenant and a better way to God. (Hebrews 8:6-9)
God’s Spirit indwelling the individual actuates God’s Spiritual power in us.
Do not vent your anger and frustration on people when people fail you.
Some people feel neglected by their relatives and friends. They don’t understand why their siblings or friends who have been blessed by God will neglect them and let them suffer in poverty. And so, they vent their anger on them.
Some Christians angrily complain to me that their churches do not give them aid when they need it. Though churches should consider helping the needy, the churches may not always be able to help everyone who needs aid. Churches have their own pressing needs and can only give what they can or what is available. They can’t give beyond their means.
Churches that can help must do so. Because the Bible tells Christians to love and help each other. That is how the Church started (Acts 2:44-47). However, we must also consider the financial ability of the churches.
I have heard some people curse their siblings because their siblings have not given them aid when they needed it. They assert that God expects those he blesses to also help others out of their financial difficulties.
It is wrong for us to hate relatives and friends for their failure to give us aid. Though God expects us to aid those who are in need, we can’t hate people who do not help us. It is God who gave them their wealth. And everyone has the right to do what he or she wants with his or her wealth. We have no right to be angry with people who do not share their wealth with others. They might also have helped some others before you came to them for aid. And so, they might not be financially able to give you the aid you requested from them when you asked.
Take your problem to Jesus. He knows what to do.
I do not curse people. Not even those who hate me, or those who wrong me. I obey the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus not to hate and not to curse.
You, too, can be successful if you do what others did to become successful.
It could take a long time for you to rise to the top if you are poor and have nothing to start with. But surely you can get to the top one day if you persevere. You can become successful if you have faith, seek God’s wisdom, and invest wisely. And you must be prepared for a long and difficult journey. Because it is a hard and rough road that you will be traveling on.

Psych yourself up for challenges that you will meet on your journey to wealth or success. It will prepare you to face the challenges before you meet them.
And don’t be like Cain who was angry with his brother Abel when God rejected his offering. If you do well, you will reach success.
“The LORD said to Cain, ‘Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.’” (Genesis 4:6-7; ESV)
God is telling us, by this passage in the Bible, as he told Cain, not to be angry when others are successful, and we are not. God wants us to do what is right, so that we, too, will be accepted or be successful.
Success is hard to reach, and good things are hard to get, especially if you are not financially endowed.
People who are controlled by anger become angry when they don’t get what they want. They vent their anger against everybody. Yet they will not do what they are expected to do to get what they want. Cain would not do what was right, yet he wanted God to accept his gift.
Our actions decide what we get. We reap what we sow. If we sow maize seeds, we shall harvest maize. We do not reap tomatoes by sowing contrary seeds. We must sow tomato seeds to reap tomatoes.
God told Cain his sacrifice was rejected because he did not follow the rules. The passage does not say that Cain provided rotten crops as some people claim. Cain took the best of his crops to offer the sacrifice to God. One does not offer rotten crops to the person one seeks favor from. His brother, Abel, on the other hand, presented animal sacrifice.
Both would present the best to please God. Cain did not present the right offering, that was why God rejected his offering. Abel, on the other hand, presented the right sacrifice and so God accepted Abel’s offering. Therefore, God told Cain who presented the wrong sacrifice, “If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door.”
The rules must be followed for God to hear and answer our prayers. What Cain had to do was to obey the rules.
Before the comprehensive ritual sacrifice system was introduced years later, the only sacrifice we noticed in the Garden of Eden was animal sacrifice. God took away the fig leaves that Adam and Eve had used to cover themselves and replaced them with animal skins.
That meant animals died for their skins to be used to cover Adam and Eve. Now God would see the animals, instead of Adam and Eve as they were covered by the skins of the animals. It would, therefore, be right to intimate that animal sacrifice preceded all forms of sacrifices. It is also noteworthy that the animals died so their skins could be used to cover Adam and Eve. And the death of the animals was the means of atonement so that Adam and Eve would not die immediately. Their lives were substituted with the lives of the animals that die. Their deaths were postponed into the future when they would eventually die.
So, we can understand how animal sacrifice became the standard for atonement until the death of Jesus replaced that.
Therefore, when Abel used some of the first lambs as a sacrifice to God, he was performing atonement for himself. As God had done for his father and mother when God used animals to make atonement for Adam and Eve. And in that, Abel was honoring God.
God had not yet instituted sacrifices that included crops. The only sacrifice they might have known or had an idea of was animal sacrifice as the atonement. The Bible does not say if Adam and Eve continued with the atonement. But we come across the atonement and the reason for the atonement in Leviticus chapters 9 and 16 and in other books of the Old Testament. When God delivered the Children of Israel from Egyptian bondage God told them, “This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you;” He also asked them to keep the Passover as an annual memorial (Exodus 12).
So, where did Cain learn of any other kind of sacrifice? Other sacrifices were introduced later by God’s direction.
God answers our prayers because we obey him. God multiplies and increases our wealth for us as we trust, and obey him by keeping his commandments.
“And whatever we ask we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him.” (1 John 3:22; ESV)
Jesus said,
“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7; ESV)
We receive from God what we ask because we keep his commandments. Not only because we have faith. Unbelief and sin prevent God from working miracles in our lives.
If we have faith in God, do what is right, plan well, and work assiduously God will also multiply our efforts and gains into millions of dollars, pounds, or cedis.
Age is not the problem. Abraham was 75 years old when God called him (Genesis 12:4). Moreover, before God called Abraham, his wife, Sarah, was a barren woman, (Genesis 11:29-30). With God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26; Luke 18:27).
Twenty-five years later, when Abraham was 100 and Sarah 90, God visited Sarah and she had Isaac. When Abraham was 99 years old, God appeared to him and renewed the promise and covenant he had with Abraham, (Genesis 17). God told Abraham that he would give him and Sarah a son (Isaac). Abraham was stunned and asked, “How can I, 100 years old, have a son by Sarah who is 90 years old?” (Genesis 17:15-17). In Genesis 18, God renewed the promise. Sarah at 90 years old, and Abraham at 100 were both given a son (Genesis 18:14; Genesis 21:1-7).
Moses lived forty years in Midian with his wife and father-in-law, Jethro (also known as Reuel). He took care of the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro. Though Jethro was a priest, he was not the priest of Yahweh, the God Abraham worshipped. Moses was 80 years old when God appeared to him and asked him to go back to Egypt and deliver the Children of Israel from bondage (Exodus 3 and 4).
Therefore, age is not your problem. Furthermore, whether you have money or not should not be a problem. What you have is what God is going to use to multiply wealth for you. God told Moses to stretch the rod in his hand (Exodus 14:16-30) for God was going to use the rod in Moses’ hand to part the sea for Moses and the Children of Israel.
God makes the impossible to be possible. What you have is what God is going to use in prospering you. (Jeremiah 32:27; Exodus 14:16-30)
Joseph was a prisoner when God caused him to be taken out of prison and promoted to second-in-command to Pharaoh in the land of Egypt.
God is the one who multiplies your talent into millions. That is, if you believe in God and put your faith into action and if God’s Spirit indwells you.
Faith in action makes things happen. “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” (James 2:26; KJ2000)
God’s Spirit actuates and actualizes your vision when you put your faith into action.
Many people think they must have a lot of money to make wealth. But with God by you, you can rise to the top of the mountain even if you are not as strong as others. And no matter how poor you are.
Start with that one talent or unit you presently have, that you consider as too little or inadequate. God who makes possible what is impossible will multiply it for you to become wealthy. (Jeremiah 33:2-3)
You need faith (belief), perseverance, determination, tenacity, and passion for what you want to achieve. God will use these to actuate your vision and actualize it.
A man traveling gave money to his servants and asked them to occupy until the time he would return.
On his return, the first came and said, “Lord, you gave me five talents. I have made five more, and now I have ten.”
The master told him, “Well done, good servant. Because you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Come and share your master’s joy.”
The second came, saying, “Lord, you gave me two, and I have earned two more. And now I have four.” His master congratulated him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things. I will make you ruler over many things. Come and share your master’s joy.”
The third who received one talent came and said, “Lord, I knew you. You are a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not spread. I was afraid and went and hid your talent in the earth. Here is the one talent that you gave me.”
His lord answered and said to him, “You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not spread. You ought, therefore, to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received my own with interest. Take the talent from him, and give it unto him who has ten talents. And cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 25:14-30)
The man who had only one talent regarded it as insignificant. Remember that each, according to his ability, would double what he had. One added five to his five talents, and the second person added two to his two talents. Based on his ability the one who received one could also have doubled his, adding one to the one talent he had.
He was not expected to add five or more than he could. Just as the others did, he, too, could double the one talent, or one pound, or cedi that he had, by adding one. His master would do the rest by adding more – making him ruler of many things and sharing his joy with him. Those are the added blessings God gives as he multiplies the one talent you invest.
Let us do a simple calculation and see how faith, perseverance, determination, tenacity, and passion can help us to multiply one cedi, one pound, or dollar and make wealth out of the little we have.
As stated earlier, one must not necessarily have a large sum of money to become rich. You can start with the little that you have and build it up.
I didn’t have money when I had a vision of becoming successful. I used my hand to make money to pay for my secondary school education. I planted vegetables, burnt charcoal, dug trenches, and did different menial jobs to earn money. Because I did menial jobs, and the pay was small, it took me many years to get my secondary school education and eventually my tertiary education. And now I have my doctoral degree.
Faith, perseverance, determination, tenacity, and passion to succeed kept me striving. Some of my friends gave up when the going became tougher, and the hill became steeper for climbing.
Sometimes, I wanted to give up. But when I considered my position in life, the life I was living, and the pain of poverty, I decided to continue.
I did not have capital, so I had to work hard to make the money. While some people used short periods to get what they wanted, it took me a long time to make the money I needed.
It would take the one who had one talent, or one pound longer than those who had five or more. But tenacity will take him or her through the challenges. Just as perseverance and hard work on the part of the one who had two talents increased his wealth into four, so also perseverance and hard work will increase your one talent into two.
Without capital to start with, the journey to prosperity is long. In most instances, very long. That scares many people. And so many people stay poor.
You can multiply one talent into millions. Starting with 1+1 we get 2; 2×2=4; 4×2=8; 8×2=16; 16×2=32; 32×2=64; 64×2=128; 128×2=256; 256×2=512; 512×2=1024; 1024×2=2048; 2048×2=4,096; 4,096×2=8,192; 8192×2=16,384; 16,384×2 = 32,768; 32,768×2=65,536; 65,536×2=131,072.
By the seventeenth period, you would have a total of 131,072.
I was able to build my training facility thirty (30) years after I conceived the vision (because of peculiar circumstances). That was 360 months. More than 17 periods. If we assume a period to be two months, then that would take 180 periods to cover 30 years.
However, you may not take 30 years to reach your goal or success. If we assume that two months may represent a period, then we will have 34 months to cover the 17 periods. Two months short of three years. If we assume a period to be three months, then we have 51 months, making it 4 years and three (3) months to reach 131,072.
It took me 30 years to do what I had planned because of some strange reasons. It could have taken me less. So, 4 years and three (3) months should not be too much for you. However, to make up for decreasing returns and other shortfalls we give ourselves five (5) years for the entire project.
Starting from the bottom without a dime and working with your hands to make 131,072 in five years should not be too burdensome. If you consider that it could be more. Remember it took me thirty (30) years from the time I conceived the vision to when the center was built.
If you invest 131,072 properly, and work hard, in about another five years, you could become a successful entrepreneur. So, in all, it could take you a total of ten (10) years to be an entrepreneur with that one talent.
Making money is not easy. Besides, only a few people may understand your vision or sympathize with you. Therefore, depending entirely on gifts is not easy and not the quickest way to be successful. That’s why many people are still poor. They are waiting to receive large donations before they start building their businesses.
It took Moses 40 years, Abraham 25 years, and Joseph 13 years. It will not be the same for everyone. But those who believe and put their hands to the plow shall surely harvest.
When Paul converted, he did not have it easy in the first stages of his ministry. He took three years to carefully study the scriptures and comparing to be sure. When he came to Jerusalem, things didn’t work out as he expected.
The disciples helped him to sneak away and escape from the Jews who wanted to kill him. He went to his hometown, Tarsus. Fourteen years later there was an awakening in Antioch. Barnabas was sent from Jerusalem to Antioch.
While in Antioch, Barnabas remembered Paul, who was then known as Saul. He went to Tarsus and brought Paul to Antioch and they stayed there a whole year teaching the new disciples, (Acts 11:19-26).
It took Paul 3+14 or 15 years, adding the one year in Antioch, (about 14-18 years) after Jesus called him to rise to the top in his ministry.
You, too, are destined to be successful. But you must be patient even when others don’t notice you, or if people don’t think you can be what you think you are destined to be.
Don’t lose hope. Believe in God. Climb the ladder to get to the top and secure your success.
You can multiply that one talent into millions.
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Conquering without being violent is also The Peacemaker Platform.
We discuss peacemaking, conflict resolution, principles of prosperity, and principles of spirituality.
Our motivator is Jesus Christ, The Prince of Peace.