Do you struggle with the question, “How do I make people like me and listen to me?”
Do you wonder why people hate you and your cause?… why people say negative things about you and your beliefs?
You might have tried many times to explain and give reasons as to why people should accept your views, why they should accept your religion or your party’s ideology without success. In spite of efforts, you continue to fail; nobody listens to you; nobody seems to like you or your religion. They hate you, and you wonder why.
Your attitude may be the problem!
People will not like you if you cannot tolerate them. They will not like you if you force your views on them. Allow people to analyze what you tell them; allow them the freedom to decide to agree or disagree with you. When you are wrong, admit it; do not be angry when people tell you that you are wrong. Do not be on the defensive when you are wrong. Allow them to explain or express their views.
Respect people’s opinions; be polite when you disagree with their opinions. Learn to listen to people when they express themselves and tell you what they want. Do not be like religious militants who do not listen to other people’s opinions .
Don’t be insulting. Don’t make people’s lives miserable.
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity,” Psalm 133:1.

It is incompatible with the character of the God of mercy to kill innocent and helpless people. Therefore, do not project a deity that is always angry and murderous.
- The God of peace and mercy loves all the time. He persuades and gently leads people to the truth.
- Instead of killing, the God of peace and love gives life and happiness.
When you are sarcastic, you make people angry.
Sarcasm makes it difficult for people to listen when you express your views. Sarcasm does not win empathy or understanding.
- Your body language might make your suggestions or responses appear insulting.
- A vicious personality portrays you as a violent person.
- You can’t convince people that your religion is peaceful when you are hostile and attack people who disagree with you.